27-14. Example14 Draw 3D Object

For this representative of AutoCAD tutorials on this Blog, I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a 3D object shown inwards the movie below. In the icon below yous tin run across 3D object inwards SE ISOMETRIC view.

For this example, nosotros purpose the next commands: LINE, POLYLINE, CIRCLE, EDIT POLYLINE, OFFSET, TRIM, REGION, EXTRUDE, SUBTRACT in addition to ISOLINES. 
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Step 1.

So, let's describe a 2D drawing, from which nosotros volition subsequently practise a 3D object.
Remark! Whenever yous can, purpose POLYLINE to describe lines if yous purpose the Region ascendence later. The expect at the drawing is FRONT View (We describe inwards the XY plane). Draw the circle inwards the minute Layer because nosotros volition cover it for the beginning.

 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Step 2.

The side past times side pace is to practise a 3D object, from a drawn 2D drawing. Hide Layer past times drawing a minor circle. First, nosotros volition practise REGION from the drawn 2D drawing.
If yous bring properly created Region (closed area) inwards REALISTIC View, yous bring this form of province of affairs (image below).
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Now switch to SE ISOMETRIC thought but inwards Wireframe mod. From this 2D drawing, using the EXTRUDE command, practise a 3D object alongside a depth -40 value. I promise yous have, next this AutoCAD Web Tutorial from the beginning, learned the basic steps in addition to operate alongside the basic commands. Notice that the depth is drawn on the Z axis inwards the negative direction. It looks similar the movie below.
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Step 3.

In the side past times side step, nosotros volition purpose our circle, which nosotros volition likewise extrude, in addition to and thus purpose the Subtract ascendence to cutting off from the base of operations object (yellow color).

So activate the Layer of Circle. Using the EXTRUDE command, extrude circle past times the Z axis but inwards the negative direction, thus the value is -40. Please banking concern complaint hither that your electrical flow Layer is the i inwards which yous bring drawn the circle because after extrusion it volition appear inwards the color of the electrical flow Layer.
After applying the EXTRUDE in addition to SUBTRACT commands, nosotros bring the province of affairs every bit shown below.
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Step 4.

Next pace is drawing 2D draw, which nosotros volition extrude in i lawsuit to a greater extent than thus cutting off the basic object, to acquire the required slot on the object. Draw this 2D drawing inwards roughly other Layer of roughly other color. On the drawing, I seat it inwards the overstep position. You tin likewise acquire to the bottom of the object. It all depends on how yous laid upwards UCS, thus extrusion is done inwards positive or negative management (plus or minus value). So describe the drawing (red color) to convert to the unopen surface area of the share after drawing, in addition to thus extrude it using the EXTRUDE command (in my instance at value -35, past times Z axis inwards negative direction).
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

After applying the EXTRUDE ascendence it looks similar this inwards the movie below.
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

Step 5.

The side past times side pace is to cutting off the created object from the base. Set your electrical flow Layer to move the i you've drawn the basic object (on the drawing of the yellowish color). Use the SUBTRACT command in addition to withdraw the carmine drawing from the base of operations of the yellowish color. If yous desire a to a greater extent than beautiful 3D object alongside build clean details, in addition to thus laid upwards ISOLINES to fifty or 100.
And in conclusion our 3D object inwards AutoCAD is completed.
 I volition exhibit pace past times pace how to describe a  27-14. Example14 Draw 3D object

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